start bloging and make money in 2021


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Everyone wants to know about their future…

If you are a Blogger you obviously need to know about the future of Blogging as you do the hard work of writing, promoting, developing and maintaining a blog.

So let's analyze "The Future of Blogging in 2021"

Most online and offline magazines have published an article entitled “Blogging is Dead”.

This post creates fear for many new Internet marketers and bloggers.

Now, why do those magazines publish those articles?

The reason is, they publish articles according to a researched Google Trends article.

See the screenshot of the word "Blogging" provided below.

You can see the word "Blogging" interest declining overtime.

So don't worry, keep reading the article and you will definitely know what the reason is.

Back in 2006 and 2007, very few people knew about the blogging industry. However, after the 2010 and 2011 blogs, it became very popular.

Therefore, between 2006 and 2007 many people wanted to blog because they did not know the meaning of blogging.

And back then, people were curious about what blogging is all about! As a result, the term blogging has become popular on various platforms such as Google, Youtube, Social Media, etc.

But after 2010 and 2011 blogging became popular and every internet user had a clear idea of ​​blogging and websites and that is why not many people search for the word blogging.

Do you know why blogging became so popular in such a short time?

This is because major news outlets, Industries, and MNC companies are embracing Blogging as their online marketing strategy.

Blogging attracts writers and non-writers to make a living from it.

Speaking of 2019, everyone has their own blog. Even adults have their own websites these days.

According to a report, every day more than 2.5 million blog posts are published.

Now you may have heard "Blogging Growth" every day.

Nowadays, blogging is a good business, and most of the big and famous brands have their own blog/website to advertise their products and services.

I think by now you probably understood that blogging is still alive and growing day by day.

But the fact is, It's just crazy competition…

So how do you stand up to the Contest?

Let's see…

From the above section, we see blogging is still alive and is one of the best Career online resources ever seen before.

But we also analyzed and found that there would be more competition in the years to come.

So here I will outline some of the unused strategies and good strategies you should follow to distance yourself from the Competition.

Without further ado let's get to the solution.

We all know that the content is Lord and without good content, the website, and blogs have never been popular with the user and Google.

And without traffic, the transition from a small blog to a successful monetization blog is impossible.

You should create interesting and engaging content for your readers.

So, when you create text content in different formats such as Infographics, Video, Podcast, Pdf the visitor will definitely spend a lot of time on your page and recommend it to others.

Because visitors only want good and useful content with a good experience.

If you are creating well-crafted text content with some beautiful images or videos, then the reader appreciates your work and efforts by commenting on the shortcomings of your blog posts.

Creating unique content formats that students are interested in, is very important on a competitive basis.

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So focus on it.

You know that is one of the main reasons why so many bloggers have failed to rank high in search engines and have not been able to drag traffic.

These days the Google algorithm works on the user's signal and user experience.

To be able to create well-organized content and troubleshoot according to your search needs.

In this way, website visitors get useful and needed values ​​from your article and the visitor stays more time on your web page which provides a better display on Google to place your page.

So try to write Articles for Google and they are important for the audience/visitors as well.

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